Mind Your P’s & Q’s
Some call it obedience, we prefer to call it "minding your p's and q's," or "minding your manners." These classes are dedicated to establishing and strengthening the bond between dog and owner and creating a connection to help them work as a team.
cannot imagine a better place to go for dog training
“Having been in the Animal Welfare industry for 18 years I cannot imagine a better place to go for help in dog training. They were even willing to work with my house Pig! I would never go anywhere else for my training needs!”
behavior and training 101 Orientation
Adult dog training at The Dogs’ Spot starts with our free, online Behavior and Training 101 Orientation. It is a video available on YouTube. Returning students who have watched or attended a previous Orientation are not required to watch it again but anyone is welcome to reference it at any time.
The Orientation link will be emailed to you when you first register in our system.
Saturday at 12:45 p.m. with Natalie Perryman and Coty Hinman
Cost: $259
In the Family Manners Class, we will start you on the road to establishing a healthy, long-lasting relationship using the most innovative reward-based training techniques. The focus of this six week class is on reinforcing attention, sit, down, come, loose leash walking, and polite greetings with humans. We will teach you how to capture a behavior, lure a behavior, add a cue to a new behavior, use a marker signal and reinforce effectively.
Crating and Connection
Saturday, March 8, at 12:00 pm with Grace Slater-Pinnick and LeAnn Hiserote
Cost: $139
In this three-week class, you and your dog will work on building relaxation and happiness in the crate, and activities outside the crate that will keep your dog paying attention to you with some movement, distance, and distraction. These exercises will be designed for both agility students and non-agility students to build their skills and communication with their dog.
We have received so many compliments
“We are traveling with our Irish Setter Mavis. We have received so many compliments on her behavior. She has been in many stores and is well behaved at the different campsites. I was wondering if you could thank Cameron and Meredith for us for their excellent teaching. We get as many compliments on her behavior as her looks. Thank you so much.”
Saturday, February 22 at 2:00 p.m. with Natalie Perryman
Cost: $259
In this six week class, we will focus on the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) requirements. This program is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. It is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. All dogs who pass the subsequent 10-step CGC evaluation may receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club.
Canine Good Citizen® Evaluation
Saturday, April 2 at 2:00 p.m. with Natalie Perryman
Contact us to schedule a S.T.A.R. Puppy (if the requirements have been met), Canine Good Citizen, or AKC or DMWYD Trick Title evaluation at another time
Cost: $29
You've worked hard on all the CGC skills - now you're ready to put them all together for the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen test. An Evaluator will test you and your dog on the 10 CGC items.
Reliable RecallS
Tuesday, April 15 at 7:30 p.m. with KJ Thies and Natalie Perryman
Cost: $89
In this class, we’ll help you teach your dog to come to you enthusiastically - Every.Single.Time. We’ll play some fun games designed to help polish your recall together again. Join us for this two-session Recall class to get \ your dog's recall back on track!
Tranquil Treks
Tuesday, April 15, at 6:00 p.m. with KJ Thies and Natalie Perryman
Cost: $89
Is walking with your dog literally a drag? In this two-week mini class, we'll help you teach your dog to stay engaged with you and play some fun games designed to help you and your dog enjoy leash walks together again.